Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Foster + Partners is committed to prioritising equity, diversity and inclusivity, and strives to create a working environment that is supportive and respectful of different cultures and identities.

We programme a range of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives which aim to embed inclusion and belonging across the practice.

To support this focus, we have formed a series of EDI employee networks to harness lived experience and improve engagement, awareness and knowledge sharing. 

Each group aims to support our people in the workplace and provide valuable lived experience in support of best practice. Championing equity, diversity and inclusion in the architectural profession sits front and centre in all we do.

We have well-established links with a number of schools and universities around the world, funding awards and prizes and supporting educational activities. Our internship and apprenticeship programmes provide valuable experience to students from a wide range of backgrounds. We also have strong links with Blueprint for all and Black Professionals in Construction (BPIC Network).

Careers at Foster + Partners

Foster + Partners is an equal opportunities employer committed to equity, diversity and inclusion as an integral and essential part of the practice. Equity and inclusion lie at the heart of all we do.

As a global practice with over 65 spoken languages across our workforce, we thrive on the unique qualities of our diverse community.

Through a range of inspirational and motivational talks and training, as well as intranet features, we embed inclusion and belonging best practice across all aspects of our workforce culture.

We are always looking for exceptional people to join our innovative, international team. The practice is open and dynamic and we welcome the very best talent from all cultures, ethnicities and identities to join us.

Disabilities Network

Ethnicities Network

Parents and Carers Network

Women's Network