Urban Design and Landscape

Designing at the urban scale is a complex undertaking, whether it involves a masterplan for a city, a regeneration scheme for a neighbourhood, or planning a new public transport system. Our team includes planners and spatial designers, economists and anthropologists, and landscape architects and mobility engineers, working together to create thriving and resilient environments. In this era of unprecedented social, technological, and environmental change, our approach anticipates the evolutionary changes and rapid transformations shaping our urban environments.

Before we make any part of the world that we inhabit, we first have to design it. This applies from the scale of a city, its public spaces, transport and services, the stations and streets that we pass through every day, to the details of street furniture and benches that are close enough for us to touch. As the ‘urban glue’ that binds a city together, the quality of its infrastructure is arguably more important than the collective merits of individual buildings.

Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman

Urban Design

Landscape Architecture

Urban Planning



Spatial Science

Urban Economics